The Diversification page, found within Seraf’s Portfolio Analysis section, visually shows the cost basis and the current value of your portfolio by Entity and by Industry. This page will help you see how much you’ve invested by company and/or fund and the current value of that investment as a percentage of your whole portfolio. Furthermore, you can see which industries you invested the most money in and which industry is performing the best from a current value standpoint. This page will help you assess the diversification of your early stage investment portfolio and enable you to make more informed investing decisions.
Diversification by Entity
Diversification by Industry
Learn more:
What does the Amount Invested by Entity chart show me?
What does the Investment Value by Entity chart show me?
What does the Amount Invested by Industry chart show me?
What does the Investment Value by Industry chart show me?
For more information on diversification, check out these blog posts:
Angel Investors - Are You Fishing in the Right Pond?
Apples, Oranges and Rotten Tomatoes: Owning A Diverse Portfolio
Angel 101: Read this first…A primer for new angel investors