Seraf enables you to set a new valuation for each company and fund in which you invest. By default, Seraf uses the latest round's share price to determine the current value of equity holdings, unless there's a more recently dated valuation recorded. Non-stock holdings such as notes and SAFES are valued at cost, while options and warrants have no value associated with them until vested or exercised.
To add a new valuation for your investment, you can do any of the following:
- Add a new round and share price to reflect the value of your current holding.
- Add a new valuation for your stock holding separate from a round of financing or add a new fund valuation multiple. See below. (Professional and Enterprise accounts only)
- Add a round by round valuation to reflect the value of each individual round of investment, including notes, SAFEs, warrants, and options. (Enterprise accounts only)
Keep in mind that the most recently dated share price (or multiple) will be used to determine the current value of your holding. Be sure to date your valuation the most recent of all the company's rounds or other valuations if you'd like for it to be used for the current valuation. Any share price (or multiple) dated in the future will not be factored into the valuation equation until that date occurs.
Note that Professional Portal account holders can set valuations for companies in which they own shares of stock and for each fund in which they've invested, whereas Enterprise account holders can also set valuations for every round in which they've invested, including stock, notes, SAFEs, options and warrants. The below instructions are for valuing investments at the company or fund level, not on a round by round basis.
To set the valuation for your stock investment(s) in a company:
- Use the Add New... button on the left sidebar to add a new Company Valuation or visit Portfolio Management and select the tab for Company Valuations.
- You will see a table of the current companies in which you are invested. The share price and date from the latest round of financing is recorded as the default financing method used to value your portfolio.
- Find the company you’d like to value.
- Enter the New Share Price.
- Select the New Methodology from one of the drop-down categories:
- Mark to Market
- 409a Valuation
- Company Accountant Letter
- Comparable Companies
- Discounted Cash Flow
- Financing
- Other (write in description)
- Enter the New Date (MM/DD/YYYY) for the valuation.
- Save your entry.
- For Enterprise clients only, once you’ve completed all of your valuations, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the button to Update Calculations. This step is critical to ensure all of the charts and graphs throughout Seraf reflect the changes in valuation.
Note that only investments with shares of stock can be valued, while notes will continue to be valued at their original cost basis.
To set the valuation for your investments in funds:
- Use the Add New... button on the left sidebar to add a new Fund Valuation or visit Portfolio Management and select the tab for Fund Valuations.
- You will see a table of the current funds in which you are invested. A Current Multiple of 1 is recorded as the default investment multiple of the cost basis used to value your portfolio.
- Find the fund you’d like to value and enter the New Multiple.
- Select the New Methodology from one of the drop-down categories:
- Mark to Market
- 409a Valuation
- Company Accountant Letter
- Comparable Companies
- Discounted Cash Flow
- Financing
- Other (write in description)
- Enter the New Date (MM/DD/YYYY) for the valuation.
- Save your entry.
- For Enterprise clients only, once you’ve completed all of your valuations, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the button to Update Calculations. This step is critical to ensure all of the charts and graphs throughout Seraf reflect the changes in valuation.
After you've entered two or more valuations, you'll see a valuation chart on the company's or fund's profile page. Plus, you can access the history of a specific company's or investment fund's valuations recorded by viewing the Investment tab of the company or investment fund record, where you can also make edits and even add a memo to your valuation. You can also download a history of ALL valuations recorded in your account by going to the valuations pages found within Portfolio Management and clicking the Download button on the top right.
Seraf's custom valuations feature is available to Professional and Enterprise clients only. To upgrade your account or to see a list of additional features, log into your account, visit Account Management, and select "Upgrade Now" or contact