To add an investment fund to your account, follow the below directions. Add as much information as you’d like, knowing that the more detail you add, the easier it will be to manage your investments in the future. You can always go back to edit or add additional information at any time. Note that an investment fund refers to a fund in which you invest, not a fund that you manage on Seraf's Enterprise Portal. Keep in mind that for each fund in which you invest, you will also need to add an investment fund transaction indicating what type of investment activity occurred and the amount.
To add an individual investment fund:
- Click the “Add New” button on the left side menu bar from any page in your account.
- Select Investment Fund from the list.
- Enter the Fund Name and complete as many or as few of the fields on the form as you wish. Note that you can expand the form to access additional fields under each heading for Basic Information, Fund Management, Address, Lawyers, and Description.
- Save your entry, or, if you wish to add an investment, select Save and Add Transaction.
You can find a list of all your investment funds in Portfolio Management by selecting the Funds tab. After you enter transactions, you will be able to see the investment fund and its data appear in other parts of your account.
Note for Enterprise Fund clients: To ensure that adding a new fund you manage is not accidentally added as an investment fund or vice versa, the only way for you to add an investment fund is by going to the Funds tab within Portfolio Management. There you can select the Actions button to Add New Investment Fund. This is deliberately set up this way so as to not be confused with adding a new Managed Fund.
Learn which fields are included in the investment fund profile.
Learn how to edit investment fund information.
Learn how to add an investment fund transaction.