Can I link my account to my cloud-based storage?

Yes, Seraf enables you to link your portfolio company records in your account to your cloud-based storage system, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, for easy access to company files.

To link your account to an outside file storage system: 

  • Go to Portfolio Management and select the tab for Companies.
  • Create a new company by selecting the button for “Add Company” or edit an existing company record by selecting the pencil icon in the appropriate row.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page where you’ll find “Link to Documents”.
  • Enter the appropriate URL in the space provided.
  • Save your record by selecting “Save” at the bottom of the company page.

Once saved, the link to your cloud-based storage can be found in the associated company record, found by clicking on the company name anywhere in your Seraf account, and within the Documents tab of any company record.

The document link will provide you with access to the system where your records reside. It will, however, not provide the level of detail found in the Documents section or Documents & Reports section (depending on your account type), which allows you to save files by Company and by Round, and includes categorization such as Investor Report, Deal Document, Term Sheet, Financials, dates and memos.

Note that if you are an enterprise client group manager, you will need to share and/or assign permission to your members to access the outside files to which your account links. If your account is associated with an enterprise group account, you will need to have permission to access the linked files from your group manager.


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