Seraf makes it easy for Enterprise Account Managers to analyze their investors' returns. Simply go to the Investor Metrics tab found in Portfolio Analysis to find the answers.
For Enterprise Group accounts, the Investor Metrics tab and respective table shows all of your investors, the amount they've invested, how much has been returned, their realized IRR, the current value of their portfolio, and their unrealized IRR.
Click a column heading to sort the columns and quickly find out which investor has the greatest or least amount of capital at work, who generated the highest returns, or who has the highest unrealized IRR. Furthermore, if you have group investment accounts or investors who use investment accounts, you can specify them in the drop down menu at the top of the page to drill down with greater detail.
For Enterprise Fund accounts, the Investor Metrics tab and respective table shows a summary of the overall Capital Commitment, Capital Called, Investments, Fees, Net Asset Value, Distributed Value to Paid-In Capital Ratio (DPI), Residual Value (NAV) to Paid-in Capital Ratio (RVPI), and Total Value to Paid-in Capital Ratio (TVPI) for the fund. Specify an investor in the drop down menu at the top of the page to see individual metrics.
You will also find Fund Metrics for Fund Cash and NAV. This table outlines the sources and uses of cash and the resulting value of the fund.
Fund accounts will also see a J-Curve graph showing Performance (TVPI) and Distributed (DPI) J-Curves along with NAV, LP Distributions and Capital Calls.