Where can I find the Realized IRR and Unrealized IRR of my investments in Seraf?

Realized IRR and Unrealized IRR can be found on the following pages of your account:

Exits & Returns

    • Liquidity Events tab – Realized IRR and Unrealized IRR for all transactions related to a particular company, whether fully exited or not.
    • By Company tab – Realized IRR for all transactions related to a particular company, only when all the holdings in the company have been exited.
    • By Round tab – Realized IRR for all transactions related to a particular round of a company, only when all the holdings in the round have been exited.
    • Fund Distributions tab – Realized IRR for all transactions related to a particular fund.

Portfolio Analysis

    • Portfolio tab – Company Values Table – Unrealized IRR, based on current Value, for a particular company or fund in which the investor currently has a holding.
    • Valuations tab – Unrealized IRR, based on current Value, for a particular company or fund in which the investor currently has a holding.

For more information, check out:

What is IRR?
What is Realized IRR versus Unrealized IRR?



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