How do I edit my custom settings?

Seraf allows customers to customize many of the response fields within their account. At the bottom of each drop-down list of default options, there's an opportunity to add "New". For example on each company page, you can add custom new industries, new product / service types, new legal structures, new tax structures, new stages, new sales channels, and new governances. For contacts within a company record, you can add new roles, new gender and new race/ethnicity. At the round level, you can customize entries related to the investment process, including those for leadership, due diligence and co-investors. You can add new responses directly on screen or when using the import template.

To edit custom settings:

  • Go to Account Management
  • Under Account Settings, click the button to Update Settings
  • Click the tab to Edit Custom Options

Note that the list of industries is specific to companies and to investment funds, so a new industry field added to a company record will not appear in the list of investment fund industries. However, if the same industry field is added to both companies and funds, then that industry field will represent both companies and investment funds in charts, graphs and tables that show a breakdown by industry.

Learn how to customize additional elements of your Seraf account.

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