How do I delete an investor from my Enterprise account?

Seraf customers can not delete investors or administrators, but we can do it for you. Depending on your account type, please read below. If you want to preserve data of a former member or investor, please review this FAQ about how to handle former member dataAnd, if you have set up notifications for important date reminders or if you subscribe to Seraf's Deal Flow and have set up a user to receive notifications of new applications submitted, the primary account owner will need to update these notifications to remove recipients, even if their investor profile is deleted. 

If you are an Enterprise administrator using our Group platform, follow these instructions to delete an investor: 

  1. Verify that there are no records saved under the investor’s name. You can check by going to the Portfolio Management / Transactions tab and entering the investor’s first or last / company name in the Investor/Account field. If there are entries, then edit each transaction to reassign it to another investor or delete it. 
  2. Verify that there are no documents associated with the investor in the Documents section. Enter the investor’s first or last / company name in the Investor/Account field. If there are entries, then click the pencil icon to edit each document entry to reassign it to another investor or delete it. 
  3. Email with the first and last / company name of the investor account, any associated investment accounts and the email address. If this user was an admin at any time, please indicate so.
  4. If you have multiple investors to delete, please consolidate your request into one email. You can easily export your list of investors, investment accounts and email addresses from the Investor Management/Investment Accounts tab, mark up that file and send it to us.

If you are a Fund administrator using our Fund platform, follow these instructions to delete an investor: 

  1. Verify that there are no records saved under the investor’s name. You can check by going to the Investment Account tab of Investor Management and looking at the Transactions column. If there are entries, then edit each transaction to reassign it to another investor or delete it.
  2. Verify that there are no documents associated with the investor in the Documents section. Enter the investor’s first or last / company name in the Investor/Account field. If there are entries, then click the pencil icon to edit each document entry to reassign it to another investor or delete it. 
  3. Email with the first and last / company name of the investor account, any associated investment accounts and the email address. If this user was an admin at any time, please indicate so. Also, specify if the investor should be deleted from a specific fund, if you manage more than one fund, or removed entirely from the account.
  4. If you have multiple investors to delete, please consolidate your request into one email. You can easily export your list of investors, investment accounts and email addresses from the Investor Management/Investment Accounts tab, mark up that file and send it to us.

Please reach out with any questions about this process.

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