The Pre Money Valuation is the valuation placed on the company prior to an investment made in the company. This valuation is typically set through a negotiation between the investors and company management and can be found in the term sheet.
The Total Amount Raised is the amount of investment raised for the entire round inclusive of all investors in the round.
The Post Money Valuation is equal to the Pre Money Valuation plus the Total Amount Raised.
These figures should be available in the closing documents for your investment, and you can also calculate this information. If you know the number of shares issued in the round and the price per share, simply multiply them to get the Total Amount Raised. The Post Money Valuation can be calculated by adding the Total Amount Raised to the Pre Money Valuation.
Tip: Seraf provides checklists that outline what information you need in order to add rounds and transactions, and where to find that information in your investor documents. Click here to view all of our checklists.