If the number of shares is wrong, there may be an error in how you entered the information, or there could be a rounding mistake if the complete price per share was not input correctly.
You can edit this information multiple ways:
- If you are viewing your Current Investments table, the easiest way to edit a transaction is to click on the name of the company in question, then the Transactions Tab. This will provide a table of all the transactions associated with that company. To make a change, simply click on the pencil icon in the far right column next to the transaction in question. This will bring you to the Edit Transaction page, at which point you can make any changes and hit Save.
- You can also click on the Transaction Register, locate the transaction, and click on the pencil on the far right side. This will also bring you to the Edit Transaction page, at which point you can make any changes and hit Save.
- A third method for making edits to transactions is clicking on the Portfolio Management link on the left hand navigation. Find the Transaction Tab, then click on the pencil icon in the far right column next to the transaction in question. Again, the Edit Transaction page will be available for you to make changes. Just remember to hit Save when you are done!
Depending on the type of error, you made need to make changes at the round level. To do this, click on the Portfolio Management link on the left navigation and go to the Round Tab. Next, click on the pencil icon in the far right column next to the round in question. From here you can make any necessary changes.
After making any edits, you may need to refresh your screen before your changes are apparent.