How do I edit a Company, Investment Fund, Round or Transaction?

To edit a Company, Investment Fund, Round or Transaction, follow these instructions:

  • Go to Portfolio Management and select the appropriate tab for Companies, Funds, Rounds or Transactions, depending on what you'd like to edit. 
  • Locate the entry you'd like to edit by viewing the list of entries or by using the search fields.
  • Click on the pencil icon in the corresponding row of the far right column for Edit.
  • Make the necessary changes.
  • Save your changes.

You can also edit a transaction by going to the Transaction Register, locating the transaction you want to edit from the chronological list, and clicking on the pencil icon in the right hand column.

And lastly, click on a Company, Round or Investment Fund name from anywhere in your account to edit the record. Just select the Edit tab. Click the Transactions tab to edit each transaction by clicking on the pencil icon. 

After making edits, you may need to refresh your screen before your changes are apparent.

Note that round security types can't be modified after a transaction has been added, but here's how to work around it if you need to make changes. 

If you are an investor in an Enterprise group, contact your group manager to request specific changes. 

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