If you are interested in sharing your investment data with family members or advisors, you have multiple options:
1) Provide a copy of your Account Statement.
2) Give them direct access to your account by providing them with your username and password. Keep in mind that they will be able to make changes to your data and see all records and saved documents.
3) Print or download individual page reports to share. Click on the preferred icon(s) in the upper right corner above the tables in your account.
Seraf Advanced subscribers can print reports, while Professional Portal subscribers can download CSV, Excel or Word reports to save, email or print. Seraf Enterprise clients can actually assign multi-user access.
If you are using a Mac, you may need to use a Microsoft compatible program to fully view the reports.
Please note that if you share investment information with your accountant or tax advisor, it is your responsibility to verify the correctness of your data before filing it in a tax return. As a reminder, Seraf does not assume any responsibility for the validity of your investment data, and does not give tax, accounting or investment advice.