How do I import multiple investments to Seraf?

Seraf offers imports to expedite the entry process of many investments simultaneously. 

To use our Import tool, go to Portfolio Management and select the tab for Import. Download the Import Spreadsheet Template file and follow the Instructions within the file closely. The template contains multiple sheets within it for:

  1. Instructions
  2. Companies
  3. Rounds
  4. Transactions
  5. Fund Transactions (for Professional and Enterprise clients)

Our template file is carefully designed to allow you to successfully import all the related layers of your investment information: companies you have invested in, details regarding their rounds of investment, and transactions involving the security issued in each round. Plus, if you invest in funds, you can enter fund transactions.

We highly suggest that you first make a few entries manually within your Seraf account to understand how the system works prior to using the import templates.

Fill out each of the sheets following the instructions closely and save the file in a .xls, .xlsx or .ods program. (Please note that you may only import 150 rows of data per sheet at one time).

Read these tips to help with Imports.

To upload your template file and import the data

  • Return to the Create Import Spreadsheet page where you downloaded the template and click on the Choose File button to select your saved file.
  • Click the Upload button and then hit Save at the bottom of the page.
  • Import each sheet to Seraf in the following order:
    • Click the Import Companies from this Spreadsheet button. Once the process is complete, you will be given confirmation of the companies that have been successfully imported.
    • Click the Import Rounds of Investment from this Spreadsheet button. Note that you can only import a round to a company that is already entered in Seraf (either manually or via import), and the company name must match exactly.
    • Click the Import Transactions button. Note that you can only import a transaction to a company and round that is already entered in Seraf (either manually or via import), and the company name and round name must match exactly.
    • If you have fund investments, then click the Import Fund Transactions button. Note that you can only import a transaction to a fund that is already entered in Seraf (manually), and the fund name must match exactly.
  • If you are an Enterprise account importing records, you will need to Update Calculations after you've completed the imports.

If you receive an error notice or need to make a change, edit your spreadsheet, and upload it again. If you keep the same transaction ID, the new entry will overwrite any previous entry with that ID. All Import Spreadsheet files will be saved to the Documents section (or Documents & Reports section for individual account holders) under the Imports tab, so you can access them in the future or delete imported content, or the file itself, if needed.

Note that you can do a combination of manual entry and import, for example manually enter a company and round and import transactions.

Once your data has been successfully imported, you will be able to view your investments in Current Investments, Exits & Returns, as well as your Transaction Register. Note that you can always find a list of all your investment entries on the corresponding tabs in Portfolio Management.

Don't forget to check out these useful import tips.

Learn how to add a Bulk Transaction within an existing round.

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