How do I add more details to my investments?

Having detailed records is important not only for you as an investor, but also for your family and advisors. If you entered investments using the bare basics, you will likely need to edit your entries to add more detail later.

Just use the pencil icon to edit entries from Portfolio Management or you can click on the edit tab within any record to make any necessary changes. 

Note that investments without a share price automatically default to a share price of $1, so be sure to update the share price of the round and the # of shares received in the transaction to more accurately record your investment. Note that the round price is used to determine the current value of your investment. In fact, if there are multiple rounds entered for the same company, the share price of the round with the most recent date will be used to determine the current value of your holding in the company (by multiplying that share price by the number of shares indicated in your account). 

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