A transaction for "Other" can be a way to record a text-based entry for a specific date of reference. An "other" transaction can be tied to the overall fund or portfolio or it can be associated with a specific company or investment fund. You can find "Other" transactions in the transaction log of a company or investment fund record, as well as in the Transaction Register. You can also find all "Other" transactions listed on the Transactions tab of Portfolio Management, where you can sort or filter for the transaction type.
We do not advise using the "Other" transaction type to represent an investment since you can't assign a value to it.
Some examples of what to record as an "other" transaction could be:
- you moved an investment under a different account name and wanted to have a record of when the change was made and what occurred.
- you received a tax credit and want to have a record of it even if you can’t associate any value with it. Enter specific details in the memo field for reference.
- you made an investment through a different security type than what Seraf offers and although you had to record a workaround with a different security and transaction type, you wanted to log a specific transaction noting this occurrence (separate from what you could otherwise record in a memo field or note).