How do I remove an investor from a fund in my Fund account?

Fund Administrators can remove an investor from one of their funds as long as the investor is listed as an investor in at least one other fund in the account. 

First confirm that under the investor's profile there are no transactions for the specific fund from which you'd like them removed. In Investor Management, click on the investor's name and go to the tab for Transactions. Confirm that there a no transactions listed. Also confirm in the Documents section that there are no files for the specific fund saved under the investor's name.

To remove an investor from a fund, after verifying the above, follow these instructions:

  • Go to Investor Management
  • Select a fund from the drop down at the top of the page, if it is not already selected.
  • Check the box next to the investor you'd like to remove
  • Click the button at the bottom of the page to "Remove investor from Fund"
  • Confirm which fund by clicking "Next"
  • Confirm which investor by clicking "Confirm"
  • You should no longer see the investor listed under the fund's investors

Learn how to delete an investor from your entire fund account.

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