How do I record an exit?

Seraf has an exit tool, found on the Investment page of the company's profile, to expedite the process of creating the proper "exit transactions" for you depending on which type of security you hold in a company. Each security type needs to have its own "exit transaction" recorded, and Seraf will generate those "exit transactions" for you. 

To record an exit, follow these instructions:
  • Open the company record for the company you'd like to exit. (Click on the company name from Current Investments or anywhere else in your account.)
  • Go to the Investment tab within the company profile. The Investment page displays your holdings by round.
  • Click the Actions button on the top right.
  • Select "Exit this Investment" from the drop-down options.
  • Enter the Exit Proceeds for each round in which you have invested. 
  • Enter the Exit Date or best estimate. 
  • Enter a Memo with any important notes related to the exit.
  • Click Review.
  • Review for accuracy and, if alright, click "Exit the Investment".

Seraf will automatically create the "exit transactions" for you. Once exited, the company should appear in the Exits & Returns section of your portfolio. Enterprise accounts will need to Update Calculations in order to see the updated records.

Note that you can also access the quick exit tool from Portfolio Management. Just click the exit icon in the column for Edit/Exit.

The above approach works well for complete stock sales, note redemptions and write-offs, but if you need to enter more complex exits such as a partial sale, escrow assignment, contingency assignment, stock swap, or note conversion, then we suggest entering individual transactions. Enterprise groups may prefer to make individual entries manually or via import in order to more accurately record the returns to each investor in the group.

Learn how to record individual exit transactions

Note that an "exit transaction" should not be confused with the Exit Transaction box that you will find on the transaction form itself when recording an exit transaction. 


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