How do I record a stock sale?

To record the sale of stock in a company, you will need to record a "Stock Sale" transaction for each round of stock in your portfolio. To sell all your stock in a particular round or multiple rounds, use the quick exit tool found on the Investment page of the company's profile. Seraf will generate the "exit transactions" for you. 

Or if you sell only some of your shares but not all, then follow these steps:

  • Check which round(s) of the company you're active in by going to the By Round tab found in Current Investments. Take note of the round name(s) and the exact share count of stock. If you use investment accounts, note which account has the holding. You may need to click on the round and open a transaction to see the detail.
  • Add a Transaction.
  • Select the Company.
  • Select the Round.
  • Select "Stock Sale" for the Transaction Type.
  • Enter the Date you sold the shares.
  • Enter the number of Shares you sold*. If you sold all, be sure to enter the exact number of shares you currently have recorded in your account.
  • Enter the Share Price of the stock you sold*.
  • Enter the Amount you received for the stock sale*.
  • Verify that the Exit Transaction box is checked off if you are selling all your holdings in this particular round. If you are only selling a portion of stock, be sure the Exit Transaction box is not selected since you still retain some stock holdings in the round.
  • Enter notes in the Memo field (optional).
  • Click "Save".

    * For Shares, Share Price and Amount, you only need to enter numbers in 2 of the 3 fields since the system will automatically calculate the third entry for you. Note that if you are selling all your shares of stock, you should record the exact number of shares you currently have recorded in your account to ensure your investment is totally exited in the system.

Keep in mind that for each exit you record, you'll need to create a transaction for each of the rounds you hold. So, if you hold shares of Series A, Series B, and Series C, you'll need to record a transaction for each round. Similarly, if you invest under multiple entities, you'll need to record a transaction for each entity that has a holding. The best spot to see a summary of your holdings for a particular company is the Investment tab within the company profile. 

Once a stock sale has been entered, you will be able to view your stock sale(s) from the Exits & Returns section of your account or by visiting the Investment tab of the company profile.

Enterprise accounts will need to Update Calculations in order to see the updated records after an exit.

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