To view Updates, open a company record by clicking the name of the company from anywhere in your account. Go to the Updates & KPIs tab. After KPIs and their data values or Updates have been added, you will see the Updates listed at the bottom of the page. Click the name of the update in the Update column to see the full report. Or, click the PDF icon to download a copy or the print icon to print a hardcopy. There, you can also search and filter for specific dates or key words in the name of an update. You can also edit the updates and associated KPIs by clicking the pencil icon.
Updates are stored in reverse chronology starting with the most recent date. By default Updates contain a description of the company, the company logo, legal name, website, and background information, contact information, and KPIs for that update reporting period. They also include additional text when it is added directly to the update itself.
You can also view all Updates across all companies in the Updates tab found in the Reports section of your account. Click the name of the update in the Update column to see the full report. Or, click the PDF icon to download a copy or the print icon to print a hardcopy. There, you can also search and filter by company and for specific dates. You can also edit the updates and associated KPIs by clicking the pencil icon, when applicable.
Learn how to add an Update.
Learn how to how to create a report of multiple company Updates.
Note that KPIs and Updates are only available to Enterprise accounts and their members.