How do I add investment fees to my Seraf Enterprise Fund account?

If you would like to record investment fees such as accounting, legal or software costs, you can record them as transactions in Seraf where they will become part of your Transaction Register and factored into IRR calculations.

To add investment fees:

  • Use the Add New... button on the left sidebar to add a transaction.
  • Select the fund to which the fees apply, if you have multiple funds.
  • Select the Company / Fund from the drop-down list, if relevant.
  • If a company was selected, and the transaction is tied to a specific round, then select the Round from the drop-down list; otherwise skip.
  • From the Transaction Type drop-down list, select "Investment Fees".
  • Enter the Date the transaction occurred or best estimate.
  • Enter the Fee.
  • Enter a Memo with any important notes related to the Transaction.
  • Save your entry.

All investment fees can be viewed in your Transaction Register and exported for additional analysis or to share with accountants.

Note that the cumulative amount of all Investment Fees will show as Other Expenses on the Investor Metrics tab of Portfolio Management once a fee has been recorded.

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