Exit Transactions are transaction entries that relate to and record the exit of a company or one of its rounds. Following are some common exit scenarios with links to how to record these types of exit transactions.
- Stock Sale
- Stock Swap
- Note Redemption
- Note Conversion
- SAFE Conversion
- Contingency
- Escrow
- Write-off
Keep in mind that for each exit you record, you'll need to create a transaction for each of the rounds you hold. So, if you hold shares of Series A, Series B, and Series C, you'll need to record a transaction for each round. Similarly, if you invest under multiple entities, you'll need to record a transaction for each entity that has a holding. The best spot to see a summary of your holdings for a particular company is the Investment tab within the company profile.
Note that an "exit transaction" should not be confused with the Exit Transaction box that you will find on the transaction form itself when recording an exit transaction.