What's in an Update Request sent to portfolio companies?

To streamline the collection and reporting of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Seraf Enterprise clients can request Updates directly from portfolio companies using an email request process with an embedded form. You can modify the content of the default message to provide clear instructions about what to report, for which time period(s), and how to do so if further clarification is needed.

The Update Request email will contain a URL link to a form, listing the Key Performance Indicators tracked for the company and a space to fill in the Actual Value and Target Value for each as well as a free form text box to provide a written update. Once sent, the Update Request link can be opened by the company contact specified to receive KPI or Update requests or to whomever the link was sent. Below is an example of how a form could look for sample portfolio company, Fugue, reporting to the Concerto Fund I account:


After entering the data, the recipient will have the opportunity to review responses before submitting the form. Once the form is submitted, the account holder will have the opportunity to edit and approve/publish the update.

Learn how to approve pending Updates.

Note that KPIs and Updates are only available to Enterprise accounts and their members.

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