You can measure the performance and impact of your entire portfolio by adding portfolio-wide KPIs. Track common key performance indicators across every company in your portfolio and quantify the overall impact of your investing.
To add portfolio wide KPIs to your Investor Group or Managed Fund:
- Go to Account Management and click on the pencil icon next to the name of the Investor Group or Managed Fund for which you’d like to add portfolio-wide KPIs. Alternatively, go to the Portfolio KPIs tab of the KPI section and click on the pencil icon next to the name of the Investor Group or Managed Fund for which you’d like to add KPIs.
- In the section for Key Performance Indicators, click the button to “Add Key Performance Indicator” or “Add Another Key Performance Indicator”, if you have already added one previously.
- Select the Indicator from the drop down list or add your own custom indicator by selecting New Category.
- Select the Indicator Format (Currency, Number, Percentage, Text) relevant to the selected indicator (i.e. Currency for Revenue, Number for Employees).
- Save your record.
After you've added portfolio-wide KPIs, you will be able to enter the values associated with them for each company in your portfolio and subsequently see the aggregate total of the KPIs across your entire portfolio.
Note that each custom indicator created will be added to your list of indicators, available to use across all companies in your portfolio.
Learn how to add company-specific KPIs.
Learn how to add KPI values.
Learn how to view your KPIs.
Learn how to add an Update.
Learn what is automatically included in an Update report.
Learn how to edit custom KPIs.
Note that KPIs and Updates are only available to Enterprise accounts and their members.