How do I analyze my deal flow pipeline?

Seraf makes it easy for Deal Flow account holders to analyze their pipeline by providing filters to search for specific criteria.

To analyze your pipeline of deal flow:

  • Go to Deal Flow/Analysis.
  • Click a prospect name to see the details recorded as well as the application itself. 
  • View the icons and the hover text by each prospect to access information such as the summary and deal team.
  • Expand and use the filters to search for specific criteria, such as industry, funding stage, deal flow stage, deal team, geography, diversity and inclusion, and more.
  • Export the table to XLS or CSV using the Download button on the top right to see all the additional fields within each prospect record for which you can conduct further analysis off-line.

You can also see a summary of your pipeline stats on your Deal Flow Dashboard for immediate insights. Hover your cursor over figures for additional information or click through the links to get more information.

Learn how to edit your deal flow process.

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