How do I convert a deal flow prospect into a portfolio company?

Deal Flow account holders can record an investment in a prospect and create a company to be tracked in their overall portfolio going forward.

To create a company from a prospect:

  • Open a prospect record.
  • From the top right Actions button, click Create New Company Record.
  • Complete the fields available or edit any existing fields in the company record that mapped directly from the application and the prospect profile page. 
  • Save your entry or Save and Add Round of Investment.
  • Learn how to add investments to Seraf, which includes recording a company (as done above), followed by a round and a transaction. 
  • Edit the original prospect record and set the deal flow stage to indicate that an investment has been made. You’ll find that once a prospect has been created as a company, the company name and a link to it will appear in the Invest or Pass section of the prospect record.

IMPORTANT: Depending on your account type, refer to Seraf’s Portfolio Management User Guide for Admins of Fund Accounts or User Guide for Admins of Group Accounts to learn how to add, view, update, analyze, and report on your investments. Note that Deal Flow Advisors will be able to create a company record from a prospect, but cannot add any further investment information on the portfolio management side.

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