Deal flow account holders have access to a deal flow dashboard for immediate insights into their deal flow pipeline, outcomes and upcoming dates.
Here's what you'll find on your Deal Flow/Dashboard:
- View a summary of your Deal Flow by Stage by quarter, by year, and cumulative (all). Click a stage to be brought to a list of prospects in that stage.
- See how many Applications are pending or accepted for review by quarter, by year, and cumulative (all). Click through to see more information.
- View your Pipeline by stage in pie chart format. Hover your cursor over the figures for additional data points.
- View your Prospect Outcomes in pie chart format. Hover your cursor over the figures for additional data points.
- View summary boxes for Pending Applications, Current Application Forms, Upcoming Pitch Dates, and Upcoming Action Dates. Click through to see the details.
Note: Be sure to indicate which stages should be part of your deal flow funnel when setting up your pipeline to ensure that your tables and charts display properly.