What are the insights I can get from my Dashboard?

Your Seraf Dashboard is designed to provide you with a quick snapshot of your portfolio so you can easily monitor performance and stay on top of your investments. 

Learn about some of the immediate takeaways from your Dashboard and how they can guide your investment decisions for future investments and exit strategy.

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Dashboard Insights

View your portfolio value, the cost basis, any fees you may have incurred, and the gain. See the number of companies currently in your portfolio as well as the number of rounds held for a quick summary of your holdings.

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Check the IRR of your current portfolio, the total cash invested to date, any fees, and the total cash in. You’ll also see the amount returned as well as the exit multiple and cumulative IRR from exited investments to better understand how your portfolio is performing.

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Value by Entity
Assess how balanced your portfolio is by viewing the pie chart for a visual breakdown of the value of your individual holdings. See if there are any entities that standout as a percentage of your overall portfolio. Move your cursor over the pie slices to see the value associated with each entity.

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View the number of investments made as well as the amount invested and any returns by quarter and for the year to see if you’re on track to meet your goals. Move your cursor over the number counts to see a list of entities or the specific rounds of investment.


Portfolio KPIs
Track portfolio-wide KPIs to measure actual versus target values and assess if adjustments need to be made. Easily view the impact of your investments through data-driven metrics. (Optional for Enterprise accounts)

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Active Reminders
Monitor Important Dates and the reminders related to them so you don’t miss any upcoming events.

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Recent Company Reports
Access recent reports including files saved as investor reports and financial statements to follow the latest information about your investments.

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Overdue Reports
Stay on top of company and investment fund communications by monitoring overdue reports so you can follow up on investments due for an update or snooze the notification until a later date.

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Emailed/Unfiled Documents
Access documents emailed to your account so you can file them accordingly for easy future reference.



Fund-Specific Insights for Enterprise Fund Accounts

Fund Investor Returns
View ratios for DPI, RVPI and TVPI to see how your fund is performing.

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Net Asset Value
View your fund's NAV and the breakdown of how it's calculated and any changes to contributions, investments and portfolio value.

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Group-Specific Insights for Enterprise Group Accounts

Account Summary 
If you have recorded SPVs, Funds or other account level Investment Accounts, you’ll see a summary breakdown of each of them by cost basis and value.

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Note: Enterprise accounts should Update Calculations to ensure the Dashboard is fully up-to-date based on the latest entries and calculations.

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